David Hollenstein
Author of 45 radio plays and 23 books. These include the popular series "Jan & Co" and "Pferdehof Klosterberg". Editor and Marketing Manager at Adonia.

Coming soon: Charlie's Trip - His Incredible Quest for God's Embrace
After an accident, Charlie finds himself not in a hospital, but in a dark desert. It is not hell, as he first thinks, but the beginning of the world: "It was desolate and empty." Then, in the Garden of Eden, he has a very special encounter with God. When the Fall destroys everything, Charlie begins an incredible search for a renewed embrace of God. He travels from one biblical story to the next, coming closer and closer to God. But he is also tested at home. As doctors fight for his daughter’s life, he tries to prove his innocence in the accident and save his marriage. An easy-to-read thriller with refreshing depth. A novel for teens, young adults, and grown-ups.
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About David Hollenstein
David Hollenstein began his writing career with radio plays. The books came later, but today they are also his passion. He still writes the radio plays for his books himself. Among them are the well-known series "Jan & Co." and "Pferdehof Klosterberg". He also writes radio plays based on books by other authors (e.g., "Gfuchst - D'Detektivfamilie"). In addition to his work as a writer, David Hollenstein has directed over 70 radio plays. As the editor of Adonia's publishing program, he has much to do with books, picture books, radio plays, and music. He also writes marriage guides, ghostwrites books, and created the interactive couple and marriage preparation course, “Ernsthaft verliebt”. He is also one of the hosts of the children's show on Adonia-KidsRadio.
David and his wife have four children. They live in the Canton of Berne, Switzerland.
The radio play "Kater Mats - und sini komischen Gfüehl am Geburtstag" by David Hollenstein was awarded the quality seal "Especially Recommended" at the award ceremony for the "Goldenen Chrönli". The Association for the Promotion of Swiss Youth Culture awards prizes for artistically and pedagogically valuable Swiss dialect productions on audio media.
Listen to an audio sampleDavid Hollenstein received two Foundation Awards at the 2024 Blue Ridge Writers Conference. An honorable mention in the nonfiction category for The Kilimanjaro Principles of Marriage and a third place in speculative fiction for Charlie’s Trip. This is a great honor for a Swiss author at the largest Christian writers’ conference in the USA. Both books will be published in English in the future. Please sign up for the newsletter for news about them.
Curriculum Vitae
David Hollenstein went to school in Zollikofen, north of Bern, Switzerland. He completed a commercial apprenticeship in the fiduciary industry and then got a taste of the media air in the accounting department of a large news agency. After attending several Adonia music camps as a teenager, David, then 20, accepted a position at Adonia in Brittnau. After his first year as an intern, he worked for several years in the shipping department, as a project manager of the music camps for families and later for children (Adonia-Junior), as a product manager, radio play director, and editor of the children's program "Schere, Stei, Papier" on Radio Life Channel.
During this time, David studied practical theology, married, and started a family with four children. After over 20 years with Adonia, Hollenstein oversees the publishing program, is responsible for editorial and marketing, and serves on the board of directors.
Becoming an author
In his school days, writing, dictation, and spelling were not David's strong points. Reading was not one of his regular hobbies either. But stories played an early role when he and his brothers made short films on free school afternoons. Writing first caught David's attention when he passed his apprenticeship exam with the highest letter writing/written communication grade. He went on to study practical theology. This included submitting written work regularly. His classmates complained about the writing, while David enjoyed it. One of these papers became his first book, "Ich liebe dich! Ich liebe mich!" (Adonia Verlag).
As editor of Adonia's youth magazine "Take-it", he began writing short radio plays (e.g., "The Diary of Jennifer Braun"). This led Adonia to create a complete radio play bible for children. David Hollenstein was responsible for the project and wrote half of the stories. When Adonia took over the radio play tradition of the former "ERF Radio Plays", David Hollenstein also began to write other radio plays. Among other things, this resulted in the series Jan & Co.
David Hollenstein developed a true passion for writing books and radio plays in the following years.
Books and radio plays
David Hollenstein has published 23 books and 45 major radio plays. He has also written countless short radio plays and ghostwritten numerous others.
Jan & Co. (11 books and 17 radio plays)
Pferdehof Klosterberg (6 books and 6 radio plays)
Charlies Reise (novel)
De töönendi Adväntskaländer - Kater Mats und sini richtig guete Fründe (radio play)
Kater Mats – und sini komische Gfüehl am Geburstag (radio play)
Hund Waffel – und sis Problem mit em Zuelose (radio play)
Muus Mimi - und de gemeini Abfalldieb (radio play)
40 Tage Bibel Challenge (book)
Ich liebe dich! Ich liebe mich! (book)
Das Kilimanjaro-Prinzip der Ehe (book)
Wie war's bei euch? (book)
ChinderHörspielBible (10 radio plays)
Gfuchst – D'Detektivfamilie (5 radio plays based on the books by Elke Holler)
Sophie - Königin vo de Farbe (radio play based on the book by Rahel Träger)
D'Reis zum König (radio play based on the book by Ruth Truttmann)
Em Alexander sis Schäfli (radio play based on the book by Daniela Baumann)
And other books as a ghostwriter.

Children and Youth books in German
Popular series by David Hollenstein

Jan & Co. (11 books)
Children's detective series
There are already 11 books in the Jan & Co series. They are available in German. An overview and more information can be found here:

Pferdehof Klosterberg (6 books)
Horse Adventure Series
The exciting horse mystery series is already available with 6 books. A horse book series that appeals to far more readers than just horse lovers! They are available in German.
Books for teens, young adults, and grown-ups.

40 Tage Bibel Challenge
The faith course for the social media generation. Already in its 3rd edition! Available in German.

Ich liebe dich! Ich liebe mich!
David Hollenstein's first book exposes the fallacies of common ideas about love. Already in its 3rd edition. Available in German.

Charlies Reise
David Hollenstein's book for young adults and grown-ups is an exciting story that presents faith in a clear way. It is available in German with an English edition coming soon.
Books for adult readers

Das Kilimanjaro-Prinzip der Ehe
4 Pillars of a Happy Marriage
A compact and comprehensive guide to marriage embedded in an adventurous hike up Africa's highest mountain. Available in German.

Wie war's bei euch?
10 married couples talk about their love life. The ten portraits offer a wealth of experience from which your marriage can benefit. Available in German.
Audio dramas

Jan & Co.
Children's detective series
There are already 17 audio dramas about Jan & Co. Adults like to listen, too. Available in Swiss German.

Pferdehof Klosterberg
Horse Adventure Series
The exciting horse mystery series is already available with 6 adventures. These horse audio dramas are also great for boys! Available in Swiss German.

The private detective family
5 radio plays have been published about this detective family.. David Hollenstein wrote the radio play based on the book by Elke Holler. Available in Swiss German.

Kater Mats – und sini richtig guete Fründe
The audio advent calendar
The funny and contemplative radio play in 24 episodes with a door calendar. Available in Swiss German.

Hund Waffel – und sis Problem mit em Zuelose
The radio play hit about saying no, bullying, self-confidence, and listening to each other. Available in Swiss German.

Muus Mimi und de gemeini Abfall-Dieb
The funny radio play about the environment, waste and the walk to school ... Available in Swiss German.

Kater Mats - und sini komische Gfüehl am Geburtstag
The funny radio play about feelings, anticipation, courage, anger ... Available in Swiss German.

The most important stories of the Bible recorded in 20 audio dramas with over 300 voices. 10 editions from the pen of David Hollenstein. He produced the entire series. Available in Swiss German.

D'Reis zum König
The parable story in fantasy style. David Hollenstein wrote the radio play based on the story by Ruth Truttmann. Radio play available in Swiss German.
All radio plays are available in Swiss German on CD with an MP3 download code and as MP3 download (adoniashop.ch). They are also all included in the Adonia streaming subscription.
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